arts & culture

What we do

Bringing people together with Arts and Culture for build a strong community.


We make video
give to you to
share & publish


We capture your talent
and send it to the Media


We film & Publish
your Event

Our mission

Standing for Arts and Culture though Community to people of all age, with our Programs and Events.
We videotape moments in life and publish them.

EFF, is a nonprofit organization 501 (C) (3) found in 2016 for videos promotional, documentaries and programs for community, .

Our vision: Arts and Culture enhance quality of people lives.

Core values: The practice of arts and Culture is one of the most dynamic and social forms of human behavior. It has the capacity to trigger reflection, generate empathy, create new ideas and relationships for people connect their owner feelings, and help conflict resolution.

The EFF Board

Eunice F. Ferreira

The Found of EFF
I, found the organization EFF for help Foundations, Organizations, Groups and Individuals to gain exposure by effectively promoting their works to the Public through the Media.

volunteer entertainers

Interested in volunteering, gather with us or became a member?

we love to hear from you.

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